Ansible Fundamentals

Ansible Fundamentals

Ansible works by connecting to nodes and pushing out small programs called as ansible modules. Ansible then executes these modules over SSH by default and then remove them when finished. Ansible management node is the controlling node, which controls the entire execution of the Playbook.


Ansible Fundamentals Module

  • Understanding the need for infrastructure automation
  • Overview of Ansible and its role in configuration management and automation
  • Benefits of using Ansible for orchestration and provisioning
  • Installing Ansible on different platforms (Windows, macOS, Linux)
  • Setting up Ansible configurations and inventory files
  • Navigating the Ansible command-line interface (CLI)
  • Understanding Ansible playbooks and their structure
  • Writing simple Ansible playbooks for configuration management
  • Organizing and reusing playbooks using roles
  • Exploring Ansible modules for various tasks (file manipulation, package installation, etc.)
  • Writing tasks within playbooks to perform specific actions
  • Using variables and facts within Ansible tasks
  • Understanding Ansible variables and their scope
  • Using Ansible facts and user-defined variables
  • Creating and using Jinja2 templates for dynamic configurations
  • Implementing conditional statements in Ansible playbooks
  • Using loops for iterative tasks in playbooks
  • Complex variable manipulation using filters and transformations
  • Defining and using Ansible inventories to manage hosts
  • Grouping hosts into categories and using host variables
  • Using dynamic inventories for cloud environments
  • Creating modular Ansible roles for better organization
  • Understanding the structure of an Ansible role directory
  • Reusing and sharing Ansible roles across projects
  • Implementing handlers to respond to changes in configurations
  • Using notifications to trigger handlers in Ansible playbooks
  • Managing notifications for different scenarios
  • Deep dive into Ansible facts and system information gathering
  • Using built-in and custom facts for playbooks
  • Implementing fact caching for performance optimization
  • In-depth exploration of various Ansible modules (package, file, user, etc.)
  • Using specialized modules for different infrastructure tasks
  • Custom module development for unique use cases
  • Understanding Ansible Vault for sensitive data encryption
  • Encrypting and decrypting Ansible playbooks using Ansible Vault
  • Best practices for managing secret variables and credentials
  • Applying Ansible best practices for playbook readability and maintainability
  • Using Git workflows and version control with Ansible
  • Implementing infrastructure coding patterns and conventions
  • Managing configurations across servers using Ansible
  • Ensuring consistent configurations using Ansible playbooks
  • Implementing desired state configuration with Ansible
  • Analyzing real-world Ansible use cases and success stories
  • Automating complex infrastructure tasks using Ansible
  • Exploring emerging technologies and trends in the Ansible ecosystem
  • Infrastructure as Code evolution, Ansible Tower, and more
  • Comprehensive final project applying Ansible concepts to a real-world scenario
  • Reviewing key concepts learned throughout the course
  • Guidance on Ansible certifications and next steps in your learning journey

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