Docker Deep Dive

Docker Deep Dive

Docker is a software platform that allows you to build, test, and deploy applications quickly. Docker packages software into standardized units called containers that have everything the software needs to run including libraries, system tools, code, and runtime.


Docker Deep Dive Module

  • Understanding the goals and structure of the course
  • Overview of advanced Docker concepts and use cases
  • In-depth exploration of Docker image layers and their importance
  • Docker image formats and registry specifications
  • Building efficient and secure Docker images
  • Deep dive into container namespaces and cgroups
  • Understanding container isolation and resource management
  • Analyzing the Docker container lifecycle
  • Advanced Docker networking modes (bridge, host, overlay)
  • Deep dive into Docker network drivers (bridge, overlay, macvlan)
  • Using Docker’s built-in DNS and service discovery
  • In-depth exploration of Docker storage drivers (overlay, aufs, devicemapper)
  • Docker storage options and their performance characteristics
  • Advanced data management and backup strategies using Docker volumes
  • Exploring Docker Swarm and container orchestration
  • Deep dive into Swarm services, tasks, and routing mesh
  • High availability and scaling with Docker Swarm
  • Advanced Docker security considerations
  • Implementing image security scanning
  • Using Docker Content Trust and Notary for image signing
  • Exploring Docker’s REST API and CLI
  • Developing and using Docker plugins for extensibility
  • Customizing Docker behavior using plugins
  • Extending Docker Compose for complex application scenarios
  • Using environment variables, secrets, and configuration files
  • Handling multi-environment deployments with Compose
  • Understanding the internals of Docker’s architecture
  • Performance profiling and optimization for Docker workloads
  • Advanced container runtime configuration
  • Deep dive into using Docker containers within Kubernetes pods
  • Integrating Kubernetes services with Docker Compose
  • Best practices for running Kubernetes and Docker together
  • Using AppArmor and Seccomp for container security
  • Creating and enforcing security profiles for Docker containers
  • Managing container capabilities and permissions
  • Exploring third-party networking solutions for Docker (Calico, Weave, Cilium)
  • Comparing and selecting networking solutions for different use cases
  • Implementing advanced network policies and segmentation
  • Analyzing real-world Docker use cases and success stories
  • Deploying complex applications using advanced Docker features
  • Exploring emerging technologies and trends in the Docker ecosystem
  • Serverless container platforms, Docker Swarm, and more
  • Comprehensive final project applying advanced Docker concepts to a real-world scenario
  • Reviewing key concepts learned throughout the course
  • Guidance on advanced Docker certifications and next steps in your learning journe 

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